Sape follow dia comeyl , hehehe =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

LALUNA : episod mengenang kembali :')

ASSALAMUALAIKUM ... wbt. ( full nie ) ehehe.. gelak dlu .

actually dis post should not be post at here , sebab ade lagi satu belog yang mengendalikan entry-entry berkaitan dengan nya . but .. di sebabkan belog tersebut sudah pon di delete kerana sebab-sebab tertentu , maka belog nie jadi sasaran nya, cume batas-batas dan perlakuan ayat , di jaga struktur nya sebaik mungkin :)

al kisah kejadian, keberlakuan , ape bile aku membuka laptop lama bagi melihat movie-movie yang dok ada kat dalam tu ... secara tak sengaja ( padahal sengaja sesangatnya lahaiii ) aku pon mencari diari lame aku . zaman-zaman 2009-2010 ... omak ait .. jumpe siot. then ...... aku bace satu, satu ...

selepas kejadian yang tak di undang tu , aku merasakan diri ini sangat bodo  *lepas bace sume ayat kat diari tuh . gilee aku wasting all thing bout him. pastu aku cam nak nangis ouh tapi tak jadi ... aku gelak ade la . * gile ke lalun ? hahaha...

now , i'm really realize ... and sangat tuf ..untuk hadap mende tu if jadi lagi ... and now... aku tahu , ego itu penting , mybe aku bodo sikit sebab benda tu , aku hilang dia .. but atleast .. aku tak nampak macam merayu-rayu mencari dia, sebab aku tanak nampak bodo depan dia, sebab aku kenal dia macam mana .

susah nye bile sayang someone yang kite tak bole nak show lebih-lebih nie . jadi bodoh bile berkorban macam nak rak but they just say nothing, omg ! kejam kn ...

whut ever you done for her/him was like nothing to catch her/his attention ... because of you're not someone in their heart. ( time masyuk bole laa ..dlu-dlu kan.. ) but if you're special in his/her list in heart.. then you'll do nothing but they appreciate you like a hell !

and one words come out from his mouth .. " aku sayang ko wey " ouhh.... bodo la aku kalo percaya time tu, but unfortunately i did believe it and put some of hope at that words, = (
but now.... after all this thing happen... after i recall back all those thing.. it's was the stupid moment i should called it... damned. i learn .. to forget.. to leave his life... and i wish .. i can face all this .. with a brave heart , chayok lalunn ! =)

now i learn to face this thing..
i'm much matured now...
thanks for all those people who always be at my side.. be there when i need ..
i love you all... so muchh :') thanks ...

lalun : cinta pun ade tarikh luput yeh... hehe

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